Blog Articles · Jun 8, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Real Facts of the Export-Import Bank

The REAL Facts on the Export-Import Bank from Heritage Action for America Despite torrents of opposition to the Ex-Im slush fund for corporate...

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Blog Articles · Jun 1, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism, Infrastructure

Another Highway Bailout and How Not to Finance It

On May 30, 2014, House Republican Leaders announced a plan to bail out the federal Highway Trust Fund (HTF) to the tune of $1...

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Blog Articles · May 22, 2014 · Cronyism

Shine the Spotlight on the Left's Corporate Cronyism Agenda

In my Foundry column this week, I argue that the left has a record of voting in favor of corporate welfare, which is often...

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Blog Articles · May 19, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

Amnesty for Military Service is Wrong

With the ENLIST Act headed for final defeat in the House Rules Committee today, it's important to make one final argument. This week in...

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Blog Articles · May 19, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Infrastructure

The Water Resources Bill--A Return to Earmarks?

Proponents of the WRDA legislation have made much about the legislation being "earmark free." Now while the bill seems to comport with the current...

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Blog Articles · May 8, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

WATCH: Would Ronald Reagan Have Supported the Export-Import Bank?

In an attempt to appeal to a broader swath of Americans -- especially conservatives -- proponents of reauthorizing the Export-Import Bank are invoking Ronald...

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