Blog Articles · Jul 16, 2014 · Taxes

Harry Reid: Taxing the Internet

When the House passed the Permanent Internet Tax Freedom Act (H.R. 3086) earlier this week by voice vote, there was reason to hope (yes...

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Blog Articles · Jul 15, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Paul Ryan on Export-Import Bank: "I want to get rid of it"

Yesterday, in a speech at Hillsdale College's Kirby Center, House Budget Chairman Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) expressed his desire to end the Export-Import Bank...

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Blog Articles · Jul 1, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Infrastructure

Highway Funding: Is 7 Percent a Crisis?

"It's not socialism...We're just building roads and bridges." That was President Obama's argument today as he urged Congress to bail out the federal Highway...

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Blog Articles · Jun 12, 2014 · Cronyism

The Crony Capital

Conservatives must stop using lazy rhetoric and instead engage in the real policy fight to eliminate cronyism. That's the message of a piece I...

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Blog Articles · Jun 9, 2014 · Budget and Spending, Cronyism

Lawmaker's Company Received Corporate Welfare from Ex-Im Bank

Rep. Chris Collins (R-NY) supports the reauthorization of the Export-Import Bank, which comes as no surprise once you know that he's benefited from its...

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Blog Articles · Jun 9, 2014 · Education

Washington is Making College Less Affordable

Between Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) and President Obama, the left has made some pretty solid efforts to ensure college tuition remains on the rise...

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