Blog Articles · May 8, 2014 · Regulation

Conservatives Ditch Bush-era Energy Policy

Our nation's energy policy has not undergone substantial, congressional-driven change since 2007. And yes, that was the year Washington decided to ban the incandescent...

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The fight to end the cronyism and corporate welfare for wealthy, multinational corporations perpetuated by the Export-Import Bank continues to heat up every day...

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Blog Articles · May 4, 2014 · Defense and National Security, Immigration

ENLIST-ing Military for Backdoor Amnesty is Wrong

Washington lawmakers are pushing for a House vote on legislation (H.R. 435 and H.R.2377) that would grant amnesty to those living in the United...

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Blog Articles · May 1, 2014 · Cronyism

Export-Import Bank's Partisan Revolving Door

How do you convince skeptical congressional Republicans and their even more skeptical conservative constituents to reauthorize the Export-Import Bank in the fall? The Ex-Im...

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In my Fox News column this week, I argue that conservatives in Washington need to embrace an anti-cronyism and anti-corporate welfare agenda: The lessons...

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Blog Articles · Apr 23, 2014 · Defense and National Security

Weak on Russia

Every single Senate Democrat has some explaining to do on Russia: Now, the very people who pushed New START during the reset are now...

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