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Congressional Profile: Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wi)
Blog Articles

With a 92% rating on our Legislative Scorecard, Senator Ron Johnson (R-WI) is our current Member of the Week. He is a true Washington outsider, having never even been to Washington D.C. until he decided to run for the Senate in 2010. Sen. Johnson was born in Mankato, Minnesota in 1955. Both of his parents were raised on farms, and instilled their values and work ethic onto their own children...

Issue Profile: Sen. Ron Johnson's (R-Wi) Regulation Moratorium
Blog Articles

Sen. Ron Johnson's (R-WI) first act when he became a U.S. Senator was to introduce legislation that would reduce the effects of excessive regulations. His bill, S.1438, would prohibit any federal agency from enacting significant regulations until the Bureau of Labor Statistics (BLS) reports that the unemployment level has dropped to 7.7%. "Significant" is defined as a regulation that will: "have an annual effect on the economy of $100 million...

With Cordray, Obama Bypasses Constitution
Press Releases

Today, Heritage Action for America released the following statement from CEO Michael A. Needham regarding the "recess" appointment of Richard Cordray to serve as director of the CFPB, even though the Senate is not in recess: Today, President Obama decided to bypass the Constitution and the system of checks and balances that have served our country so well. Rather than heed the advice of the Senate, President Obama decided to...

Congressional Profile: Rep. Paul Broun (R-Ga)
Blog Articles

Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA) currently has a 95% rating on our Legislative Scorecard, which makes him the fourth highest ranking House Member. Originally elected in a close special election in 2007, Congressman Broun's conservative voting record combined with the Tea Party wave led to a second term win with 67% of the vote. Rep. Broun was born in Atlanta, Georgia in 1946 to Paul Broun, Sr., who went on to...

Issue Profile: the Patient Option Act
Blog Articles

The third installment of our Member of the Week serious continues with an issue profile as discussed by Congressman Paul Broun (R-GA). Yesterday, we presented Rep. Broun's answers to five questions, including one about what aspect of government he would reform. In addition to repealing Obamacare, he wanted to present a conservative way forward. His Patient OPTION Act is that way forward. In the coming weeks, Rep. Broun will reintroduce...

Sopa Support Crumbles Under Pressure
Blog Articles

This week, controversial legislation that could result in government censorship of the internet and stifle innovation came under fire. Supporters of the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and Protect IP Act (PIPA), which claim to crack down on online piracy overseas, started peeling off the bills. A day before any popular websites launched protests on Wednesday, Heritage Action released its key vote against SOPA and PIPA. It was picked up...

Heritage Action on Sopa/Pipa...and What Comes Next
Blog Articles

Heritage Action released the following statement from CEO Michael A. Needham: We are pleased Congress decided to postpone consideration on two controversial bills to regulate the internet. Of course, we will remain vigilant because bad ideas never die in Washington. Heritage Action will move vigorously to oppose any new iteration that weakens internet security, disrupts online growth or restrict free speech rights. Last week, Heritage Action for America announced it...

Sopa / Pipa and the Corrupt Nexus
Blog Articles

Heritage Action's COO, Tim Chapman, discusses the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) and the Protect IP Act (PIPA) on Fox Business with host Eric Bolling. Tim explains that SOPA and PIPA were designed by the same corrupt nexus which lobbies for loopholes and forces massive regulations on small job businesses: Too often, the Bigs - in this case, Big Hollywood - lobbies Washington for legislation that benefits their particular industry...

Congressional Profile: Rep. Jim Jordan (R-Oh)
Blog Articles

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) currently has a 97% rating on our Legislative Scorecard - the third most conservative Representative in the House. He was elected to the House in 2006 with 60% of the vote, and has received more than 65% of the vote in both of his re-election campaigns. Rep. Jordan was born in Urbana, Ohio in 1964 and graduated from Graham High School in 1982. In high school...

Issue Profile: the Welfare Reform Act
Blog Articles

The third installment of our Member of the Week series continues with an issue profile as discussed by the Congressman. Yesterday, we presented Rep. Jim Jordan's answers to five questions, including one about what aspect of government he would reform. He brought up the fact that our government will spend $10 trillion over the next decade on programs that are supposed to help lower-income Americans. Unfortunately, as Heritage's Robert Rector...

Congressional Profile: Rep. Jason Chaffetz (R-Ut)
Blog Articles

Congressman Jason Chaffetz (R-UT) is the second most conservative Member of the House or Representatives according to our Legislative Scorecard. Currently holding a score of 97%, Rep. Chaffetz was originally elected in 2008, which was an extremely difficult year for Republicans. He won that year with 66% of the vote, and won re-election in 2010 even easier, with 72% of the vote. Rep. Chaffetz was born in Los Gatos, California...