Parents Will Not Be Silenced by DOJ, Congress Must Take Action Against Garland’s Overreach

Press Releases · Oct 5, 2021

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a national conservative grassroots organization, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson responding to Attorney General Merrick Garland’s letter instructing the Federal Bureau of Investigation to address ‘threats’ against school board officials.

During his campaign, Joe Biden promised Americans unity. His appointment of Merrick Garland to be Attorney General of the United States has led to gross abuses by a Department of Justice seeking political wins instead of justice. Biden and Garland have repeatedly weaponized the DOJ against their political enemies; this time, Garland is taking directives from teachers’ unions to mobilize the FBI against parents who oppose critical race theory.

Teachers’ unions have launched a war against parents who want to protect their children from the Left’s radical CRT ideology, but we will not be deterred. Parents have a right to be a voice for their children and will not be silenced by unelected bureaucrats at the Justice Department. Congress must take immediate action to rein in Garland’s repeated abuse of the DOJ and take action to protect parents practicing their First Amendment right to petition the government.


  • In September, Heritage Action released a statement in response to Merrick Garland’s lawsuit against Texas over the Texas Heartbeat Act.

  • Jessica Anderson released a tweet thread responding to the myths surrounding the Georgia election integrity law ahead of the DOJ action against the state of Georgia.
