Kansas Legislature Protects Women’s Sports, Overrides Governor Kelly’s Veto of HB 2238

Press Releases · Apr 5, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Kansans, released the following statement from Janae Stracke, Vice President of Field Operations, commending the Kansas Legislature for overriding Governor Kelly’s veto of HB 2238, legislation that returns fairness to women’s sports by ensuring that student athletes only participate with and compete against other athletes of the same sex.

“Allowing men to participate in women’s sports threatens women’s physical safety and tremendously disadvantages female athletes on and off the field, especially when it comes to earning scholarships, setting records, and qualifying for elite teams. The Kansas Legislature stood up for women and girls in the Sunflower State by overriding Governor Laura Kelly’s veto of HB 2238 and enacting legislation that will ensure fairness in sports and protect the physical safety of our student athletes.

Heritage Action thanks the Kansas Legislature for their work to protect Kansas women and girls from the Left’s radical gender ideology agenda. We encourage other state legislatures across the country to adopt similar legislation that gives all our student athletes a fair shot.”