House GOP: Pass the Stopgap Funding Agreement and Border Security Package

Press Releases · Sep 29, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, today released a statement from Executive Vice President Ryan Walker urging the House to pass the stopgap funding agreement and border security package.

“Over the past year, conservatives have fought to deliver on their promises to the American people to slow the trajectory of federal spending and reverse the Biden administration’s open borders policies. Supporting the House’s stopgap funding agreement and border security package would work towards these goals by responsibly cutting short-term spending to pre-COVID levels and positioning conservatives to secure long-term spending cuts that would put our economy on a sustainable path.

The federal budget must be accountable to the taxpayers. The border crisis is getting worse every day with more illegal crossings and young lives being lost to cartel violence and fentanyl poisoning. Passing H.R. 2 was not enough to solve these problems – the American people want their elected officials to fight to put an end to this crisis at every step in the process. With the government funding deadline quickly approaching this weekend, this is a critical moment to cut spending and ensure border security will continue to be a part of the funding negotiations rather than paving the way for a disastrous ‘clean’ continuing resolution. This stopgap funding agreement gives conservatives the time they need to continue passing individual FY24 spending bills through regular order and use the appropriations process to take action to rein in reckless spending and secure the border. Conservatives should vote ‘yes.'"