Heritage Action Registers More Than 50,000 Conservative Voters in Crucial Swing States

Press Releases · Sep 9, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, announced the registration of more than 50,000 conservative-leaning voters in crucial swing states as part of an ongoing strategic effort to give conservative candidates the edge ahead of the presidential election in November. Based on data from the 2020 election, the addition of 50,000 conservative voters in Georgia and Arizona could change the outcome of the presidential election.

Heritage Action also announced today an additional six-figure commitment in Georgia and Arizona to drive turnout among the newly-registered conservative voters. Heritage Action’s multimillion-dollar, data-driven campaign has been engaging likely conservative voters in the two key states by highlighting some of Americans’ top concerns with the current administration, including the skyrocketing cost of living and uncontrollable illegal immigration.

Heritage Action Executive Vice President Ryan Walker commended the effort:

“If the last few elections have taught us anything, it’s that every vote matters. Registering as many like-minded voters as possible can and will make the difference between conservatives winning and losing in 2024. Heritage Action is proud of our work to register more than 50,000 conservative voters in Georgia and Arizona—and motivated to further our investments in these must-win states.

“By doubling down with an additional six-figure investment to drive engagement in Arizona and Georgia, conservatives should have the tools to take back the White House and win key races in Congress. The future of our country is on the line and Heritage is running through the tape to save her.”

First reported by Fox News, Heritage Action’s voter outreach has produced tens of thousands of new registered voters in Arizona and Georgia, two states crucial to winning the Electoral College. Localized stories have been coupled with digital advertising and compelling messaging to convert registrants. The campaign follows up with door-to-door engagement, fully managed text message conversations, and live phone conversations to ensure success.

In 2020, President Joe Biden won Georgia by less than 12,000 votes and took Arizona by less than 11,000 votes. Nationwide, Biden’s electoral college victory was secured by only 44,000 votes in three states, underscoring the potential outcome-changing power of Heritage Action’s targeted voter registration and turnout effort in those states.

Heritage Action is committed to using this voter registration campaign, existing messaging and outreach infrastructure, and a powerful nationwide network of more than two million grassroots activists to drive support for conservative policies across the country this November.