Heritage Action Praises Ohio Senate for Fighting Gender Ideology and Overturning Gov. DeWine’s Veto

Press Releases · Jan 24, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action Executive Vice President Ryan Walker released the following statement today after the Ohio Senate voted 24-8 to override Gov. Mike DeWine’s outrageous veto of HB 68, legislation that will protect children from experimental surgeries and cross-sex hormones—and ensure fairness in women’s sports. Since the Ohio House already voted to override the governor’s veto, HB 68 will become law.

Praising the Ohio Senate on behalf of Heritage Action’s two million conservative activists nationwide, including thousands of Ohioans, Walker said:

“This is a historic day for the children, parents, and athletes of Ohio—and common sense everywhere. When the Left sacrifices the safety of kids and the rights of their parents to advance an extreme agenda, conservatives have a duty to push back with the facts. That’s exactly what the Ohio Senate did today when lawmakers voted to overturn Gov. DeWine’s unconscionable veto of HB 68.

“HB 68 reflects the values of a bipartisan majority of Americans who know that biological males do not belong in girls’ sports—and that dangerous cross-sex hormones and experimental surgeries have no business being administered to children. Heritage Action commends the Ohio General Assembly for siding with sanity and ensuring that neither of those things can happen in their state.

“Ohioans secured an important victory in a nationwide battle for our children and their future. Heritage Action looks forward to working alongside grassroots Americans across the country to combat radical gender ideology.”

Polling shows broad, bipartisan support for HB 68 in Ohio and similar legislation in South Carolina and across the country. More than 65% of Americans oppose access to puberty-blocking drugs for children, and almost 70% of Americans do not believe male athletes should be allowed to compete against girls and women.