Heritage Action: NDAA Support Hinges on Amendment Prohibiting Pentagon Abortion Funding, Failure to Curb U.S. Investments in China

Press Releases · Jun 13, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, today released the following statement from Executive Vice President Ryan Walker explaining the importance of a key amendment to the National Defense Authorization Act (NDAA) and warning of conservative opposition to the underlying bill if the House fails to secure its passage:

“Stopping the Pentagon from using taxpayer dollars to fund unrestricted abortion travel should not be a remotely difficult vote for any self-described conservative. A majority of Americans oppose taxpayer funding for abortions—and public faith in our military has fallen to historic lows as President Biden has abused his authority to turn the DoD into a vehicle for progressive policies.

“Any Republican who opposes Rep. Van Duyne’s amendment to reverse the Pentagon’s abortion travel memo will have to answer to voters across the country who will be disappointed in the House’s inability to pass legislation that aligns with the most fundamental conservative principles. Without this amendment, along with the absence of language to curb American dollars flowing into China, the NDAA will fail to restore the military to its core mission and adequately deter our top adversary. Heritage Action will be unable to support the bill.”

Heritage Action has long-supported efforts to end the Department of Defense’s illegal policy of funding travel for servicemembers and dependents to seek unrestricted abortions. The vote on a similar amendment was added to the Heritage Action Scorecard last year.