Congress: Fight Biden’s Politicization of DOD Through Pro-Life NDAA Amendment in Committee

Press Releases · Jun 20, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson urging Congress to fight Biden’s Politicization of the NDAA by including relevant pro-life amendments at the full committee level.

“In October 2022, President Biden’s Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin bypassed Congress and the federal rulemaking process with a memo announcing that taxpayer funds would be used for paid time off and travel for service members to receive elective abortions. This move violated longstanding federal law prohibiting taxpayer funding for abortions and politicized the traditionally bipartisan NDAA process.To preserve the integrity of our national defense in FY24, the House Appropriations Subcommittee on the Department of Defense restored settled federal law by including language to prevent funding this political move. As both chambers of Congress begin to consider this year’s NDAA, committee members must offer and support amendments to overturn this attempt at social engineering from this administration.

As the Biden administration continues to force a Left-wing political agenda on the American people through executive overreach, Congress must reassert its Article I powers before the NDAA comes to the Floor in each chamber for a vote. Members who claim to represent the values and interests of their constituents should not allow any political tactics or show votes to stand in the way of the inclusion of this provision. Supporting these amendments at the committee level ensures these pro-life provisions are included and the NDAA remains bipartisan. House and Senate members must take this opportunity to block DOD’s pro-abortion policy and stand up for the millions of pro-life Americans across the country.”