Heritage Action Cheers Kansas Legislature for Putting Kids’ Safety Over Radical Ideology

Press Releases · Mar 28, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Kansans, commends the Kansas Legislature for passing SB 233, legislation that protects children from radical gender ideology by banning the practice and recommendation of experimental surgeries and dangerous cross-sex hormones.

Former Kansas Assistant Secretary of State and Heritage Action Director of State Advocacy Catherine Gunsalus released the following statement praising the bill:

“When kids are struggling with mental health, the right answer is to give them compassionate care that does not involve pumping them with dangerous cross-sex hormones or performing life-altering experimental surgeries. By passing SB 233, Kansas has taken a stand against the Left’s radical gender ideology and voted to protect kids from medical malpractice in the name of social activism.

On behalf of kids and parents across our state and country, Heritage Action commends the Kansas Legislature for passing SB 233. Governor Kelly has a duty to sign this bill and safeguard children from irreversible harm. We look forward to working alongside grassroots Kansans to finish the job.”

The final vote in Kansas is a part of a wave of similar provisions passing across the country and around the world as parents wake up to the undeniable dangers of sex-changing drugs and surgeries.

Lawmakers in South Carolina are considering similar legislation after it overwhelmingly passed the state’s House of Representatives. Earlier this year, bipartisan legislators Ohio’s State House voted to override Gov. Mike DeWine’s veto of HB 68, which bans gender reassignment treatment for minors and prevents biological males from competing against female athletes.

Similarly, just weeks ago, the United Kingdom’s National Health Service announced it would no longer prescribe puberty blockers to minors, citing a lack of evidence that the practice is safe for kids.

Polling shows broad, bipartisan support for the legislation in Kansas, South Carolina, and Ohio. More than 65% of Americans oppose access to puberty-blocking medication for children, and almost 70% of Americans do not believe male athletes should be allowed to compete against girls and women.