Heritage Action Applauds Louisiana for Fighting Biden’s Open Borders, Expanding Education Freedom

Press Releases · Jun 20, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Louisianans, praised the Louisiana Legislature and Gov. Jeff Landry for passing and signing SB 313 and SB 388, bills that grant universal access to education savings accounts (ESAs) and bar illegal aliens from re-entering the state, respectively.

Former Kansas Assistant Secretary of State and Heritage Action Director of State Advocacy Catherine Gunsalus released the following statement:

“Safe communities and successful schools are two of the top concerns of Louisiana parents and Americans across the country. The Louisiana Legislature took action to address both issues, and Heritage Action applauds Gov. Landry for signing SB 313 and SB 388 this week. Thanks to these bills, Louisianans are better protected from Biden’s disastrous open borders—and all students in the Pelican State will have access to the educational opportunities that fit their needs.

“Heritage Action commends Sen. Valerie Hodges, Sen. Rick Edmonds, and Rep. Julie Emerson for leading the fight to prioritize the safety and success of Louisianans.”

ESAs empower parents to use their child’s portion of state education spending to meet the child’s unique learning needs by choosing a new school, purchasing textbooks or other learning materials, hiring personal tutors, and more.

Louisiana joins a wave of states across the country that have taken steps to expand education freedom for Americans. Prior to Governor Landry signing SB 313, the Heritage Foundation ranked Louisiana 18th out of 51 in its Education Freedom Report Card.

Due to the catastrophe at the border caused by the Biden administration, the number of Americans who support tougher immigration restrictions has been steadily increasing. Three-fourths of Americans—a bipartisan majority—now believe the situation at the border is ‘a crisis’ or ‘very serious,’ while only 7% view it as ‘not much of a problem.’

The Louisiana Legislature’s passage of SB 388 builds on nationwide grassroots momentum to combat the Left’s attempts to keep our country’s borders open.

Heritage Action strongly supports H.R. 2, the Secure the Border Act, as the only federal solution to secure the border and ending the Biden-designed crisis that’s exacerbating the drug, crime, and cost of living crises facing the country.