Heritage Action: Another Short-Term CR Delays ‘Inevitably Bad’ Spending Bills

Press Releases · Feb 28, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, released the following statement today from Executive Vice President Ryan Walker condemning the repeated failure of Congress to responsibly fund the government and address the most pressing issues facing Americans:

“Here we go again. Congress is on the brink of passing another short-term continuing resolution that confuses action with results. This move achieves nothing but an extension of inflationary spending levels and Biden’s disastrous border policies that are getting Americans killed. Except this time, another short-term, bifurcated CR will only delay inevitably bad spending bills, which reportedly include the unacceptable budget gimmicks that force Americans to spend nearly $70 billion more than statutory caps.

“The conservative House passed responsible spending bills and real border security almost a year ago. But Chuck Schumer’s Senate ignored those bills, wasting months on a nearly $100 billion foreign aid package that does nothing for the American people. Another week under the threat of a shutdown will not change the disappointing reality of the moment—with no apparent path toward meaningful spending cuts or real border security because of the Senate’s inability to take the issue seriously.

“Congress should consider all options. But, barring a ninth-inning home run, the only option on the table that would achieve anything positive for taxpayers is a full-year CR that forces some fiscal responsibility through established spending caps.This approach would eliminate the ridiculous budget ‘side deals’ while preserving defense spending, but still fails to defund NGOs and the Biden policies perpetuating the invasion of our country.

“Congress has wasted so much time that no great path forward remains. Conservatives have pleaded for responsible spending and border security for more than a year. Those should remain the goals of all lawmakers no matter how, or when, the government is funded.”

In January, Heritage Action warned lawmakers that they had just 40 days to cut spending and secure the border. Americans are exasperated with congressional dysfunction that puts them last.