GOP: Pass the Secure the Border Act

Press Releases · May 2, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson outlining coalition support for the Secure the Border Act and calling for the legislation’s immediate passage in the House.

“The Secure the Border Act is the strongest and most consequential border security and enforcement package to date. To follow through on their Commitment to America, House Republicans must immediately pass this legislation in its current form and show the American people they are serious about securing the border and holding the Biden administration accountable for their massive policy failures.The Secure the Border Act, modeled after a clear coalition policy roadmap, combines desperately needed statutory changes with access to the tools and personnel needed to secure the border, enforce the law, and reduce illegal immigration.

Heritage Action and border security coalition partners successfully fought for the inclusion of key provisions to end asylum fraud, reform the parole process, end reliance on NGOs to process and move illegal aliens into the country, and end the exploitation of alien children. These reforms, paired with measures to allocate resources to complete the border wall and give border agents necessary personnel and tools, will force the Biden administration to end their open borders agenda and enforce the rule of law.

House Republicans, especially those serving on the Judiciary and Homeland Security Committees, should be commended for their role in the thoughtful process that resulted in the Secure the Border Act. All Republicans must now follow through on the promises they made to the American people and support this package to fight the dangerous cartels trafficking drugs and humans across the border, curb the flow of deadly fentanyl reaching our nation's children, and protect American sovereignty. It is time to pass this bill on the House floor and deliver once and for all.”