House GOP: Make Border Security Top Priority

Press Releases · Mar 23, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson calling for House Republicans to make border security a top priority and put forth a robust legislative package.

“Border security should be the top priority for the House, and the time has come to hold the Biden administration accountable for their policy failures and vote on bold legislation that will restore safety and security and uphold the rule of law. During the last election cycle, the American people sent conservatives to Washington with a mandate to secure the border and curb illegal immigration. Anything less than a robust package addressing both border policy and key infrastructure would be a dereliction of duty.

House Republicans have been in power for several months. They must immediately develop and consider a border security package that ends the asylum fraud, creates an authority to immediately expel illegal aliens, sends resources to complete the border wall, and gives border agents the personnel and tools needed to carry out their proper duties, not the mass release of illegal aliens as directed by the Biden administration. Migrants must be disincentivized from making the dangerous journey to cross the border illegally, and must not be promised any possibility of amnesty.

Every day the situation at the southern border gets worse, and it is time for House Republicans to put forward a border security package. With the help of the Biden administration’s deliberate border destruction, dangerous cartels continue to have operational control of our border, trafficking people and deadly drugs into communities all across the United States. Opioid overdose, particularly fentanyl poisoning, has become the leading cause of death for young people, and individuals on the known terrorist watchlist have been given a free pass to enter the U.S. interior among the more than 1.2 million known gotaways.

The time is now – American sovereignty has been severely damaged. Heritage Action urges House Republicans to follow through on their Commitment to America and move forward on consideration of a border security package.