Florida Legislature Passes Heartbeat Bill, Leads the Way for State Efforts to Protect Life

Press Releases · Apr 13, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Floridians, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson praising the Florida Legislature for passing SB 300, legislation to protect life once a heartbeat is detected or from six weeks gestation.

“While the Left is pushing a radical abortion-for-all agenda that promotes abortion up to the moment of the birth and infanticide even after a baby survives a botched abortion, Florida conservatives are leading the charge in the fight for common-sense policies to protect life. By passing SB 300, the Florida Legislature is representing the values of Floridians by protecting life from heartbeat. The passage of this legislation marks an important victory for Floridians and the American people, and it highlights the sharp contrast between conservatives’ reasonable approach to protecting life and the Left’s extreme drive to normalize and celebrate ending the lives of unborn children.

Especially in the post-Roe era, conservatives across the country need to follow Florida’s example and address the issue of protecting life with clarity and an understanding of the values of the American people. The Left’s pro-abortion agenda is out of touch with the American people who instead want to see their elected leaders engage with the issue and take action to protect life. Heritage Action thanks Senator Erin Gall, Senate President Kathleen Passidomo, Representative Jenna Persons-Mulicka, and House Speaker Paul Renner for their work in sending SB 300 to Governor DeSantis’s desk. We look forward to Governor DeSantis signing this legislation into law.”