Florida Senate Passes Heartbeat Bill to Protect Life in the Sunshine State

Press Releases · Apr 3, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Floridians, released the following statement from Janae Stracke, Vice President of Field Operations, praising the Senate’s passage of SB 300, legislation that protects unborn babies from abortion once a heartbeat is detected around six weeks’ gestation.

“As the Left continues to push a radical abortion-on-demand agenda, it’s more important than ever for states to stand up for unborn babies and their mothers by passing legislation that preserves a culture of life. The Florida Senate is making progress towards that goal by passing SB 300, legislation which would protect the lives of unborn babies from the moment their heartbeats are detected at six weeks’ gestation.

All babies deserve the right to life, and their mothers deserve compassionate care and support. Heritage Action thanks Senator Erin Gall and Senate President Kathleen Passidomo for continuing the fight to protect life. Now that the Florida Senate has passed SB 300, we urge the Florida House to continue this effort and send this legislation to Governor DeSantis’s desk. We look forward to working alongside grassroots Americans around the country to protect the sanctity of life.”