Biden Holds Ukrainian Aid Hostage for Left-Wing Spending Package

Press Releases · Mar 3, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson responding to President Biden’s request to pass an emergency supplemental spending package for COVID relief and Ukrainian aid.

“President Biden is blatantly attempting to hold Ukrainian aid hostage for his Left-wing policy priorities. Worse, congressional Democrats are going along with it. Biden’s proposed supplemental would package aid for Ukraine with $22 billion in unnecessary COVID “relief” funds, and Democrats are tying the supplemental to a massive $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package filled with left-wing policy priorities.

If Biden and congressional Democrats were serious about helping the people of Ukraine, they would vote on the aid immediately as a stand-alone bill instead of waiting to attach it to this monstrous spending package. Not only is this a bad process, it’s bad policy. The omnibus will be a raw deal for the American people, spending money we don’t have on Left-wing policy priorities like radical climate change policies and racist “social justice” programs. As conservative leaders have already pointed out, Republicans should not even consider an omnibus until Biden ends the COVID emergency declaration and all federal vaccine mandates.

Republicans should refuse to support Democrats’ cynical political stunt. As war rages in Europe, Congress should get serious instead of passing another waste-filled spending bill.”

Heritage Action is a grassroots organization with two million conservative activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our partner organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.
