Blog Articles · Jan 6, 2011 · Healthcare

UPDATED: House Passes Rule to Take Up Obamacare Repeal

We've previously linked to HR 2, the two page bill that would repeal Obamacare in its entirety. Today, the House passed a rule that...

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Blog Articles · Jan 5, 2011

Heritage Action Heads Outside the Beltway

Today, Heritage Action for America announced the hiring of state directors in North Carolina and Pennsylvania. Jessica Anderson and Leo Knepper will head the...

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Blog Articles · Jan 3, 2011 · Healthcare

REPEAL! House to Vote Next Week

Last night, House Republicans unveiled their plan to repeal Obamacare and begin the difficult process of reforming America's health care system. Outgoing House Speaker...

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Just before the holidays, House Republican leaders released their proposed "rules" package for the next Congress. It will be considered first on January 4th...

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Earlier today, the U.S. Senate voted to ratify President Obama's dangerously flawed New START Treaty. The treaty, touted by the White House as a...

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So let's get this straight. In an attempt to extend current income tax rates for a measly two years, Senate Republicans are getting ready...

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