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Efepa Is About Freedom
Blog Articles

Yesterday, Rep. Mike Pompeo (R-KS) unveiled his Energy Freedom and Economic Prosperity Act (EFEPA) calling it "common sense" and not "particularly partisan." The EFEPA is a step in the direction of freedom. Dozens and dozens of market-distorting energy tax credits have been on the books for decade after decade - and unfortunately, that's become that status quo. With this legislation, conservative lawmakers are putting their foot down. They are taking...

Conservatives' Real Solution to the Debt-Limit Debate
Blog Articles

While President Obama and his allies in Congress remain obstinate to real solutions, squarely rejecting concrete action, high caliber conservative organizations, including Heritage Action, the Family Research Council, and Club for Growth are putting forth solutions to fix our debt. Our approaches may entail subtle variations based on prudential judgments, but we are unanimous on our conservative principles. Fortunately, many Americans - even those who had fallen under President Obama's...

Conservatives Unite Around Path to Balance
Press Releases

Washington - Today, Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham joined 41 conservative leaders in signing a memo to the conservative movement declaring "Today is the day we stop stealing from our children." The memo from the Conservative Action Project explains: Conservatives should not raise our nation's statutory debt limit unless Congress passes and the President signs into law real reforms and immediate spending reductions that place America on a path...

A Number You Should Think About: 527
Blog Articles

Remember all the way back to the 2000 Presidential race? Well, maybe you don't, but one thing continuously sticks in my mind: 527. That is the number of votes by which first-time presidential candidate George W. Bush beat then-Vice President Al Gore. That number is a strong reminder to even the greatest skeptic that every vote counts. Although the 2008 and 2012 Presidential elections were less contested, they provided some...

A #Path2Balance or Another Failed Debt Ceiling Strategy
Blog Articles

Last night, Heritage Action CEO Mike Needham explained the conservative approach to the debt ceiling debate and elaborated on the plan laid out with the Family Research Council's Tony Perkins and Club for Growth's Chris Chocola. It's a plan that's really hard to argue against: balancing the budget over a period of ten years without raising taxes in exchange for a debt ceiling increase. There's nothing drastic about it. Although...

House Plans 3-Month Debt Ceiling Increase
Press Releases

Washington - House Republicans announced they intend to vote on a bill that would raise our nation's debt ceiling for three months. Heritage Action released the following statement from CEO Michael A. Needham: "Today, four current and former RSC chairmen stated the House has agreed to put the nation on a path to a 10-year balanced budget. This is a hopeful sign, but there has been no public confirmation of...

Heritage's Response to Newtown
Blog Articles

Today, the Heritage Foundation's Morning Bell expounds on Heritage's response to the tragedy that occurred in Newtown and the careful consideration Heritage experts John Malcolm, a senior legal fellow, and Jennifer Marshall, the director of domestic policy studies, put into the "serious work" of moving forward. They produced a report explaining three key principles: Constitutional concerns. Malcolm and Marshall write: "The constitutional right to keep and bear arms is an...

Obama Crushing the American People yet Again
Blog Articles

The principle of federalism in the United States has - once again - received a slap in the face from the Obama administration. In yet another affront to energy independence and prosperity in general, the administration has decided to delay a decision on the TransCanada Corp's rerouted Keystone XL pipeline until after March. The decision is delayed despite the fact that the State Department had said it would make a...

Washington Politics Still Decide How Americans Produce Energy
Blog Articles

When you hear praise for wind energy and the record production, you should take it with a grain of salt. Much of the "success" enjoyed by the industry comes as a result of a tax system that is skewed in their favor, which is a direct result of Washington cronyism. It's not a benefit to taxpayers, much less to consumers, but because the folks in the federal government have no...

Keep an Eye on Congress
Blog Articles

The activities of Congress this week may be overshadowed by coverage and talk of the inauguration, but that's not to say Congress won't be considering some significant legislation. Senate Leader Harry Reid and Minority Leader Mitch McConnell have been ironing out differences on how the Senate should "reform" its filibuster rules. Changes under consideration include a requirement that the minority party muster 41 votes to stall a bill or nominee...

House Leaders Commit to Path to Balance
Press Releases

Washington - Today, Speaker John Boehner (R-OH) and Budget Chairman Paul Ryan (R-WI) announced their intention to produce a budget that balances in ten years. Heritage Action released the following statement from CEO Michael A. Needham: "Conservatives are determined to fight to implement the policies to take us on a 10-year path to balance and we applaud Speaker Boehner and Chairman Ryan for committing to that goal. Now, the House...

House Commits to Path to Balance
Blog Articles

Last week, Heritage Action, along with the Family Research Council and Club for Growth called for a path to balance. Balancing the budget within ten years would of course entail entitlement reforms as well as cuts to discretionary spending. Indeed, what "mostly drives our trillion-dollar deficit and our $16 trillion debt are unfunded entitlement promises." Yesterday, House leadership has put support behind this plan. Speaker John Boehner said: Chairman Paul...

Heritage Action: New Fangs on the Heritage Beast
Blog Articles

According to a piece in the Washington Post today, our impact on Washington politics is big. In fact, the piece refers to us as the "Clark Kent of the conservative think tank world." A straight shooting analysis reveals our rock solid foundation, having stemmed from the most prominent conservative think tank in the country, the Heritage Foundation, which produces research of the highest caliber. Combine that with Heritage Action's fearless...

Senate Rules Changed for the Worse
Blog Articles

Yesterday, the senators approved two resolutions that will prove to be a great detriment to equal representation in the Senate. S.Res. 15, a resolution to improve procedures for consideration of legislation, was agreed to by a vote of 78 to 16. S.Res. 16, a resolution amending the Standing Rules of the Senate, was agreed to in the Senate by a vote of 86 to 9. On the surface, these changes...

Heritage Action Announces Congressional Sentinels
Press Releases

29 Lawmakers Achieve Sentinel Status for 112th Congress Washington -- Today, Heritage Action for America announced 29 Members of Congress -- six Senators and 23 Representatives -- achieved Sentinel status in the 112th Congress by scoring a 90% or higher on the organization's comprehensive legislative scorecard. "Americans worried about our country's future should sleep better at night knowing a dedicated group of lawmakers are fighting for freedom every day in...

Cronyism Chronicles: Export-Import Bank's Pet Solar Energy Project
Blog Articles

When you read an article about the Export-Import Bank and all the jobs it's helping to create by "investing" in green energy technologies around the world, hold your applause. One such article touts the $780,000, 10-year loan guarantee for the export of photovoltaic (PV) solar modules from a Georgia-based company, Suniva Inc., to a rooftop solar-power project in Mexico. While some characterize Suniva as a "fast-growing solar startup often held...

Clarence Page: Heritage Action Stopping Progressive Action
Blog Articles

Yesterday, MSNBC devoted an entire 5 minute segment lamenting the effectiveness of Heritage Action's Legislative Scorecard, saying it causes a real problem for advancing progressive goals. Clarence Page, a columnist for the Chicago Tribune and guest on the show, says our scorecard is, "A real problem for those who want to get progressive action through at all." This is not an isolated sentiment. Last week the Washington Post wrote an...