United States House of Representatives
Rep. Nancy Mace
Republican| SOUTH CAROLINA District 01
United States House of Representatives
Republican| SOUTH CAROLINA District 01
The budgeting process in Congress is broken, and this package is a stark reminder. Instead of passing individual appropriations bills throughout the year that can be debated, amended, and passed by both chambers before funding deadlines, the practice of waiting until the last minute and then jamming through a massive bill that nobody has time to read has become the norm. This 4155-page bill contained $1.66 trillion omnibus spending package, an attached $47 billion aid to Ukraine, $38 billion in disaster funding, and a waiver of PAYGO requirements, totaling $1.85 trillion.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The bill takes aim at the sincere religious and moral beliefs of a large portion of American society who believe in traditional marriage by turning those beliefs into discrimination. By setting a national policy of same-sex marriage, the Respect for Marriage Act would be used to paint those with sincerely held disagreements as bigots who cannot be allowed to partner with government or retain tax-exempt status.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
Don't be deceived by the name of this bill. The House passed a massive tax and spending spree that will worsen the inflation crisis. Democrats are using reconciliation, a special legislative process, to jam the package through on a purely partisan basis. The bill proposes nearly $570 billion in new taxes, while increasing spending by roughly $580 billion over the next decade—plus an additional $200 billion after accounting for budget gimmicks.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The House passed H.R. 1808, the Assault Weapons Ban. This bill prohibits the future sale of new so-called “assault weapons” and “high-capacity magazines” to civilians, with exceptions for law enforcement, including those who are retired and off-duty. The bill would also ban future civilian sales of magazines capable of holding more than ten rounds.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The House passed the CHIPS Act (H.R. 4346), a $250 billion package that blends corporate welfare with industrial policy. The bill includes $52 billion in financial incentives to the highly profitable semiconductor industry, $80 billion in increased funding to universities through the National Science Foundation (NSF), $10 billion for centrally planned “regional technology hubs,” and nearly $50 billion in funding for research at the Department of Energy. While proponents claim that passing the legislation is necessary to counter the threat posed by China, in reality this package will make the United States less, not more competitive with China.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The Bipartisan Safer Communities Act (S. 2938) is a package of different gun control proposals stitched together with school safety and mental health provisions. As usual for Congress these days, the bill was negotiated and written by a small group of senators in secrecy, with the rest of the Congress expected to vote on the sweeping legislation just days after receiving the text. Expecting members to understand the impacts of an 80-page bill in just 72 hours is irresponsible, not to mention the fact that it prevents the American people from weighing in on the package and having their voices heard. That seems to be by design.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The House voted on a package of eight gun control bills, combined into H.R. 7910, the so-called “Protecting Our Kids Act.” This partisan package chips away at the Second Amendment and seeks to disarm law-abiding Americans by imposing new restrictions and legal burdens. These new burdens will do little to prevent future acts of violence, likely wouldn’t have had any impact on previous shootings, and would only restrict Americans’ constitutional right to bear arms.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
A 2,741 page, $1.5 trillion omnibus spending package fill with Biden's policy priorities along with an attached $13.6 billion for aid to Ukraine. It fails to reverse the COVID-19 emergency or the Biden administration’s vaccine mandates, as conservative leaders have called for, and doubles down on the Green New Deal style government subsidies for green energy and climate policies.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The America CONCEDES Act (H.R. 4521) is a proposal intended to counter the ongoing threat posed by the Chinese Communist Party (CCP). However, this legislation does little to achieve this goal. Instead, the legislation seeks to spend more than $300 billion and provide bailouts for chip manufacturers and Democrat-aligned corporations, the woke education industry, and Left-wing “climate” groups.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
This bill bails out Democrats from their self-inflicted fiscal mess by waiving PAYGO rules to avoid cuts to Medicare that spending in the American Rescue Plan (ARP) will otherwise trigger. It also changes Senate rules to allow Democrats to pass a debt ceiling increase — a step towards the destruction of the filibuster.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
Our national debt, which is approaching $30 trillion, is already on an unsustainable path, and yet this bill would add trillions of dollars to that amount. Many of the included programs receive partial funding—creating temporary benefits that are clearly intended to be made permanent. This means that the cost estimates for the bill will only reveal a portion of the true price tag. Additionally, these gimmicks will set up future congresses with intentionally tough votes on whether to extend the new entitlement benefits—clearly intended to circumvent the reconciliation process’ fiscal controls. Ultimately, these gimmicks will only serve to worsen the biggest wave of inflation in decades.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
The Infrastructure Investment and Jobs Act (H.R. 3684), the so-called “bipartisan” infrastructure package, recklessly spends $1 trillion, despite the fact that the national debt is approaching $30 trillion and inflation is surging to levels not seen in 13 years, all of which is “paid” for by using slick accounting tricks. Not only is the deal bad policy, but it is also a bad process, as it is a prerequisite to passing the rest of President Biden’s catastrophic agenda through a Democrat-only reconciliation package.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
Democrats call H.R. 3755 the Women’s Health Protection Act (WHPA)—a better name would be "The Abortion for All Act." It would entrench unfettered access to abortion in federal law. Despite claims from the Left that this proposal simply codifies Roe v. Wade—which would already be far too permissive—if enacted, the WHPA would endanger essentially all state-level abortion restrictions, existing state and federal conscience protection laws, and policies limiting taxpayer funding for abortions.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
H.R. 4, the John Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act, is yet another blatant effort by liberals to give left-wing activists new powers to undermine the integrity of our election laws. With H.R. 4, liberals will use the power of the federal government to overturn voter ID laws and prevent states from ensuring the integrity of their own elections. Essentially, the proposal hijacks the Voting Rights Act (VRA) by replacing the worthwhile goal of ending racial discrimination with the completely partisan goal of advancing liberal political candidates.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
In response to Speaker Pelosi’s refusal to bring the Born-Alive Abortion Survivors Protection Act (H.R. 619) out of committee, GOP leaders have filed a discharge petition that needs 218 signatures to force a vote. Our scorecard is tracking who has signed the discharge petition.
Heritage Action Position
SupportsCongress Member Position
This legislation would codify and expand amnesty granted by the Obama administration’s unconstitutional Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program by allowing so-called Dreamers (illegal aliens who came to the U.S. before the age of 18) and those illegally present who have been granted Temporary Protected Status and Deferred Enforced Departure to permanently avoid deportation, obtain a pathway to citizenship, and full voting rights. Do not let this legislation’s misleading name fool you—granting amnesty to illegal aliens would encourage more illegal immigration, incentivize criminal behavior, reward law-breaking, and provide preferential treatment to illegal immigrants.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
This bill would ultimately provide amnesty by creating a new “certified agricultural worker” status for which only illegal immigrant agricultural workers would be eligible. To qualify for this new status, individuals must be here illegally, as the bill states eligible aliens must be “inadmissible or deportable from the United States on the date of the introduction of this Act.” Furthermore, once this status has been granted to an individual, their children and spouses can then be granted “certified agricultural dependent” status leading to an exponentially larger population of illegal immigrants being granted amnesty.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
This legislation would require universal background checks for all firearm sales, including private sales, with specific exceptions. This is a misguided effort, as universal background checks would do little to prevent violence and would only make it more difficult for law-abiding citizens to purchase, own, carry, and use a firearm.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
This bill is composed of unconstitutional and ill-advised policy mandates that the Left would use to hijack America’s election processes. H.R. 1 is a very long, complex bill and is a liberal wish list of power-grabs ranging from institutional control and election “reforms” to campaign finance, lobbying, and judicial ethics.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
This bill is a massive $1.9 trillion stimulus package that does little to address the ongoing pandemic directly. For nearly a year, conservatives have insisted that any COVID relief should be targeted and temporary without bailing out wasteful governments. This bill has missed the mark on all points.
Heritage Action Position
OpposesCongress Member Position
This legislation would modify the Civil Rights Act of 1964 to add sexual orientation and gender identity as protected classes in federal anti-discrimination law. Although titled the “Equality Act,” the policies within this bill would create more inequality and profoundly impact all Americans.
Heritage Action Position
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