Virginia House of Delegates Correct to Pass H.B. 46, Strengthening Election Security

Press Releases · Feb 15, 2022

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, including thousands of Virginians, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson congratulating the Virginia House of Delegates for passing H.B. 46.

“Heritage Action stands with the Virginia delegates who voted to strengthen the commonwealth’s election security by voting for H.B. 46, which requires a photo ID to vote in the commonwealth’s elections, modifies the permanent absentee voter list, and requires absentee ballots be returned on Election Day, among other reforms. These are easy, common-sense tools that make it easy to vote and hard to cheat in the Commonwealth of Virginia.

The Senate should immediately pass H.B. 46 to enact practical, widely supported election integrity measures. The Virginia General Assembly should prioritize this bill and continue to advance other election security measures like ensuring elections are free from the corrupt influence of outside funding.

Voting is the bedrock of our republic. Virginians deserve to know their elections are secure and voters’ identities are verified. Virginians from both sides of the aisle support this measure — it’s time for their Senate to do the same.”

Heritage Action is a national grassroots organization with two million conservative activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our partner organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.
