Trump Budget Puts Taxpayers First

Press Releases · May 22, 2017

Washington—This morning, the Trump Administration unveiled its FY 2018 budget proposal called "A New Foundation for American Greatness." The budget includes $3.6 trillion in spending reductions while prioritizing much-needed defense funding. And while the budget does not include much-needed structural reforms to Medicare and Social Security's retirement program, it does offer reforms to other mandatory programs. Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"Budgets are visionary documents, and President Trump's proposal would put taxpayers first by starting to direct their dollars more efficiently to the most effective programs. It is the type of document the president promised on the campaign trail, including some serious, structural reforms to our nation's entitlement system. Unfortunately, the failure to address Social Security and Medicare will make it difficult to truly rein in our nation's ever growing debt.
"Nonetheless, Trump's budget presents an opportunity to unite Republicans around fiscally responsible reforms to food stamps, disability insurance and the Earned Income Tax Credit (EITC). Even with unified Republican control of government, delivering policy victories has proven difficult in Washington, but enacting these reforms would demonstrate a true commitment to putting taxpayers first."


Heritage Experts Analyze Trump's Budget Request