South Dakota Senate Passes H.B. 1080, Moves One Step Closer to Protecting Children

Press Releases · Feb 9, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of South Dakotans, released the following statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson commending the South Dakota Senate for passing H.B. 1080, legislation that would prohibit physicians from administering puberty blockers and performing gender transition surgeries on minors, protecting them from irreversible medical complications and psychological harm.

“Studies indicate that allowing minors to undergo gender transition surgeries and be put on puberty blockers causes irreparable damage to their physical and psychological well-being. These treatments ultimately fail to address children’s underlying mental health problems and actually exacerbate them. To prevent this, the South Dakota Legislature passed H.B. 1080, essential legislation which would prohibit physicians in South Dakota from performing gender transition surgeries on children and giving them dangerous hormone-altering drugs.

Heritage Action thanks Rep. Bethany Soye for sponsoring this bill and protecting children from medical abuse. We look forward to Governor Noem signing H.B. 1080 into law to protect children from the Left’s radical gender ideology.”