SOTU: Washington Needs Conservative Leadership to Restore the American Dream

Press Releases · Feb 7, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson following President Biden’s State of the Union Address.

“The state of our nation is under threat. The American Dream is slipping away for so many, and the very fabric of our culture is under attack. President Biden and his administration have spent the last two years dividing America and pushing radical policies that have pushed the southern border into chaos, destroyed the economy, weakened national security, and dismantled our American values. Tonight’s State of the Union address was a shallow attempt by President Biden to cover up his various crises and downplay the chaos his administration has created.

President Biden failed to adequately address the core issues that matter to most Americans, including the safety and security of our communities. The Biden administration’s deliberate failures on our border have led to the worst security and humanitarian crisis and chaos we have ever witnessed, with thousands of illegal migrants crossing into the U.S. interior each day and lethal amounts of fentanyl reaching American neighborhoods and communities. He failed to address the concerns of citizens as they see violent crime spike in cities from coast to coast, and watch as America’s national security is jeopardized by a weak position abroad. He once again failed to lay out a clear strategy and vision for U.S. assistance in Ukraine.

Instead of taking responsibility for the record-setting inflation over the past year and the nearly $6,000 in lost purchasing power for the average American family, President Biden claimed that the state of the economy is ‘strong,’ and even advocated for a reckless debt ceiling increase with ‘no conditions.’ While claiming to unite the country, he failed to acknowledge his party’s ongoing war against American values and their drive to divide our citizens.

The only case that President Biden presented in tonight’s State of the Union address is the case for a new chapter of common sense leadership in Washington. With a new majority in the House, conservatives have an opportunity to contrast the Left’s policy failures with a new vision of safety and security, economic opportunity, and national strength abroad. The American people are counting on conservatives to unite behind a bold policy agenda to restore our country’s institutions and values.”