So-Called COVID Relief Bills Are the Worst of Washington

Press Releases · Apr 4, 2022

Today, Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson calling on Congress to reject a proposals in Congress to spend tens of billions of taxpayer dollars on so-called COVID relief measures:

The new COVID spending packages represent the worst of Washington. Most Americans learned to live with COVID long ago, and at the State of the Union, even President Biden finally agreed with them. Yet now some in Congress from both parties have decided that up to $55 billion in taxpayer money needs to be spent on COVID and on bailing out favored businesses — even while Biden prepares to reverse COVID-related public health measures at the border.

If Congress wants to help the American people, they could start by tackling inflation and food prices, dealing with continuing labor shortages, and ending the COVID emergency atmosphere. Instead of wasting $60 billion, they should return it to the American people.

As inflation rages and the border crisis continues to break all-time records, some members have decided their top priority is to add fuel to the fire by spending more of our taxpayer dollars. Congress must not let them.