Senator Lee and Conservatives are Standing up for American People in the Government Funding Fight

Press Releases · Dec 13, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson supporting the conservative effort led by Senator Mike Lee calling for a clean continuing resolution into the first quarter of 2023.

“Today, the Washington establishment is joining forces with the Left to create a pathway for a lame-duck omnibus spending bill that will increase spending, likely increase Ukraine aid while still lacking adequate oversight, and include ancillary items, like an unnecessary federal elections bill. This is unacceptable to the American people.

Conservatives in Congress must not yield and should continue to fight for a ‘clean’ continuing resolution that maintains current funding levels until a new Congress takes office next year.

Heritage Action strongly supports conservative senators who are advocating for a continuing resolution into the first quarter of 2023 and encourages members of the Senate to join them in any actions they take to achieve this goal. A continuing resolution into the beginning of the 118th Congress is the only way to ensure that conservatives, and the American people, have a seat at the table for any long-term funding package.”