Senate Judiciary Democrats Advance Legislation to Attack the U.S. Supreme Court and Conservative Justices

Press Releases · Jul 20, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Acting Executive Director Ryan Walker following the Senate Judiciary Committee’s advancement of the misleadingly named “Supreme Court Ethics, Recusal, and Transparency Act,” legislation that would create opportunities for individuals and political interests to attack the institution of the U.S. Supreme Court and individual conservative justices.

“Designed to delegitimize the Supreme Court, Senate Judiciary Democrats and outside Left-wing interests have continued their coordinated campaign to undermine our government institutions and violate the separation of powers by creating an opportunity for outside influences and other branches of government to pressure the Supreme Court into tailoring its decisions for political interests. Though disguised as an attempt to address Supreme Court ethics, this bill is a politically motivated effort to punish the current Supreme Court for rightfully returning to a textual reading of the Constitution, leading to outcomes that have blocked recent executive overreach and unconstitutional actions in various cases. The Senate Judiciary Committee’s vote to advance this legislation out of committee further shows how far the Left is willing to go to bend the rules in order to get their way, even if it means attacking and delegitimizing our core government institutions.

This bill is just the latest in the Left’s history of attacks against the Supreme Court and individual conservative justices. From Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer’s open threats to ‘release the whirlwind’ on Justices Gorsuch and Kavanaugh, to Jen Psaki’s encouragement of protests outside of justices’ homes, and to their repeated calls to ‘pack the court,’ the Left is relentless in their efforts to force unconstitutional policies on the American people. Conservatives must work to speak out against these violations of norms, reject this bill, and preserve America’s institutions and checks and balances.”