SB 1796 Puts Kids First in Florida

Press Releases · Apr 5, 2022

WASHINGTON—Today, Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, including thousands of Floridians, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson encouraging Governor DeSantis to sign SB 1796 to modernize Florida’s divorce laws:

Divorce is a painful process, emotionally and financially, that too often hurts children and parents while enriching divorce lawyers. SB 1796 is a smart bill that takes an important step towards a simple, fair divorce system that helps children to be raised by both their mother and their father. While the Left and their allies in the divorce bar seek to divide families and sever connections between parents and children, Florida’s legislators are working to keep families together as much as possible and reduce the animosity of the process.

SB 1796 would bring some much-needed sanity to Florida’s divorce laws, reforming rules regarding alimony, giving predictability and reducing litigation, and giving parents more equal footing when they enter the courtroom. In particular, the bill creates a presumption that a 50-50 timeshare is best for children. Contrary to what the Left believes, kids do best when both mothers and fathers are involved in their lives, and this bill will encourage that. It will also discourage divorce lawyers from taking advantage of unfortunate circumstances in children’s lives and exploiting them for financial gain or using them as pawns in court. We urge Governor DeSantis to sign the bill.