Republican House Should Say No to McConnell, Reid on Lame Duck

Press Releases · Sep 8, 2016

Washington -- This morning, the House Republican Conference will meet to discuss a path forward on a continuing resolution. According to reports, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) and Minority Leader Harry Reid (D-NV) are nearing a deal to fund the government through early December, necessitating a post-election lame duck session of Congress. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"It is unclear what Democrat and Republican Senators hope to accomplish in a lame duck session, but if history is any indication it will be politically unpopular policies that increase the federal government's power to serve the well connected. House Republicans -- the group that promised to be a bulwark against President Obama's big government tax and spend policies -- must reassert their role, not only by reining in this President but also by rejecting the Senate's cynical approach that guarantees a lame duck session.
"Setting up an end of the year congressional spending spree is a brazen and deliberate attempt to avoid the will of the American people. Lame duck sessions have become an all too familiar tool of Washington elites to ram through higher spending and bad policy they otherwise likely wouldn't be able to pass. Any effort to force legislation during a lame duck should be rejected."

Heritage: The Implications of Regular Lame-Duck Sessions in Congress for Representative Government

Daily Signal: Over 100 Conservative Leaders Say No to a Lame-Duck Congressional Session After Election
Heritage: Lame Duck Weakens Accountability and Opens the Door to Unpopular Spending