Rep. Paul Gosar Introduces Conservative Response to King v. Burwell

Press Releases · Jun 17, 2015

Washington -- Today, Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) introduced the Premium Reduction and Insurance Market Reform Act of 2015 (H.R. 2819). The bill would not renew Obamacare subsidies, instead it would eliminate the law's costly mandates and regulations in the aftermath of a favorable Supreme Court ruling in the King v. Burwell case. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"As Obamacare unravels, our goal is to drive down the cost of health insurance for all Americans by removing Obamacare's costly mandates and regulations. A continuation of illegal subsidies will simply cover up the law's costs while giving the impression Republicans believe subsidies are necessary for Americans to afford health insurance. Heritage Action applauds Rep. Gosar and his colleagues for leading on this important issue."

Recent research conducted by The Heritage Foundation under the American Perceptions Initiative found high public support for eliminating mandates and regulations:

"61% of voters said Congress should "remove Obamacare's mandates and regulations that increase the cost of health care and disrupted health care coverage for millions in the first place-making it possible for Americans in all states to choose more affordable plans" over legalizing the subsidies to help those in effected states (39%)."

Heritage also found an extension of the subsidies could backfire on Republicans:

"[A]lmost 8 in 10 voters agreed that "if the Republican-controlled Congress passes new legislation to continue the Obamacare subsidies, it sends the signal that Republicans agree that subsidies are necessary for Americans to afford health care" (77% somewhat/strongly agree)."

Heritage: Responding to King v. Burwell: Congress's First Step Should Be to Remove Costly Mandates Driving Up Premiums
Heritage: King v. Burwell: An Opportunity for Congress and the States to Clear Away Obamacare's Failed Policies