Press Release: 35 House Democrats Absent From Fight to Repeal Obamacare

Press Releases · Jul 25, 2010

Heritage Action Encourages Them to Stand With Americans

Washington—Last month, Heritage Action for America launched a national campaign to repeal Obamacare. Since then, 153 House Representatives have signed onto Discharge Petition #11, which would force the U.S. House to vote on repealing the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act. Despite their stated opposition to the law, 35 House Democrats have not yet signed onto the repeal effort.

"In March, these Democrats stood on the side of the American people and voted against a big-government solution to our nation's health care problems," Heritage Action's CEO Michael A. Needham said. "Unfortunately, they have been absent from the fight to repeal this intolerable act. A serious repeal effort is gaining momentum in the House, and these Members need to be part of that effort."

"I fully expect every Member who opposed Obamacare to sign Discharge Petition #11," Needham continued. "If not, they are implicitly supporting Obamacare. I know their constituents, who will be attending town halls this August, are eager to hear why they do not support the repeal effort."

The following Democrats have not yet signed Discharge Petition #11:

Bobby Bright (Alabama)
Artur Davis (Alabama)
Marion Berry (Arkansas)
Mike Ross (Arkansas)
John Barrow (Georgia)
Jim Marshall (Georgia)
Walt Minnick (Idaho)
Daniel Lipinski (Illinois)
Ben Chandler (Kentucky)
Charlie Melancon (Louisiana)
Frank Kratovil (Maryland)
Stephen Lynch (Massachusetts)
Travis Childers (Mississippi)
Collin Peterson (Minnesota)
Gene Taylor (Mississippi)
Ike Skelton (Missouri)
John Adler (New Jersey)
Harry Teague (New Mexico)
Michael Arcuri (New York)
Michael E. McMahon (New York)
Larry Kissell (North Carolina)
Mike McIntyre (North Carolina)
Heath Shuler (North Carolina)
Zach Space (Ohio)
Dan Boren (Oklahoma)
Jason Altmire (Pennsylvania)
Mark Critz (Pennsylvania)
Tim Holden (Pennsylvania)
Stephanie Herseth-Sandlin (South Dakota)
Lincoln Davis (Tennessee)
John Tanner (Tennessee)
Chet Edwards (Texas)
Jim Matheson (Utah)
Rick Boucher (Virginia)
Glenn Nye (Virginia)

In the coming weeks and months, Heritage Action will engage in grassroots advocacy to educate Members of Congress and their constituents about the problems with Obamacare. Heritage Action will target Members of Congress at home in their districts and in Washington, DC with paid issue advertisements, local grassroots activity, online activist tools, and earned media.

With more than 680,000 members across the country, The Heritage Foundation and its sister organization, Heritage Action for America, are committed to building an America where freedom, opportunity, prosperity, and a civil society flourish. Obamacare hinders those objectives.

For more information on how we plan to repeal Obamacare, visit

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