Over 15,000 Heritage Action Grassroots Speak Out Against President Biden’s War on Gas Cars

Press Releases · Jul 6, 2023

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Acting Executive Director Ryan Walker following the submission of over 15,000 comments from grassroots activists on President Biden’s proposed regulations on gas cars.

“Once again, President Biden’s EPA has weaponized the federal rulemaking process to impose damaging regulations on hardworking American families by restricting their ability to buy gas cars. Squeezing gas powered vehicles out of the market with strict and arbitrary regulations harms American jobs, makes cars less affordable for American families, and increases American investment with hostile nations like China. In response to the Biden administration’s overreach, over 15,000 grassroots Americans have made their voices heard by using Heritage Action’s comment portal to work to delay, change, or even defeat this Green New Deal-style regulation.

Public comments are crucial to changing, delaying, or potentially defeating Biden’s radical overreach, and Heritage Action will continue working alongside grassroots Americans to fight back against the Biden administration's radical agenda.”


  • Over 15,000 comments were submitted through the comment portal, comprising roughly 8.7% of the over 184,000 total comments submitted. The deadline to submit comments was July 5, 2023.

  • This comment portal marks 41,602 total comments submitted from Heritage Action grassroots in 2023.

  • Heritage Action has been active in engaging grassroots activists with the federal rulemaking process. In June of 2022, Heritage Action launched a similar toolkit for the U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission’s (SEC) Climate Disclosure Rule. The initiative was highly successful, facilitating over 5,000 comments in one week.