One Week DHS Bill Funds Obama's Amnesty

Press Releases · Feb 27, 2015

Washington -- Last night, Congress passed a one-week funding bill for the Department of Homeland Security that did not contain any language blocking President Obama's dangerous and unconstitutional amnesty. Although Republican leaders promised to fight for the language in a conference committee, some reporting suggests no such effort will be made. Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"Nearly everyone agrees President Obama vastly overstepped his legal authority, including the President, members of his own party and now a federal judge. Congress cannot rely on the courts, it must deny funding and resources for the President's unconstitutional amnesty. Yesterday's events were a continuation of December's cromnibus strategy, and are yet another reminder that Republican leaders in the House and the Senate need to do more than kick the can down the road. They must put forward a strategy to retain Congress's constitutional authority."

Heritage Action will key vote against the Senate-passed DHS funding measure (H.R. 240, as amended).