Ohio Senate Bans Foreign Funding of Elections, House Should Do the Same

Press Releases · Feb 28, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Ohioans, applauds the Ohio Senate’s passage of SB 215, legislation that combats foreign interference in state elections by banning foreign funding from flowing to ballot issue campaigns.

Former Kansas Assistant Secretary of State and Heritage Action Director of State Advocacy Catherine Gunsalus released the following statement praising Ohio lawmakers for passing legislation to safeguard elections:

“The 2024 election will be a defining moment in American history, and states have a duty to take steps to protect voters and secure the ballot box. Foreign nationals have a history of spending millions to meddle in our elections, including important decisions affecting the Buckeye State. Ohioans deserve to know their vote is free from foreign interference, and SB 215 gets that job done.

“Heritage Action thanks State Senators Gavarone and McColley for championing SB 215 and strengthening state elections. We commend the Ohio Senate for passing the bill and urge the House to follow suit. Heritage Action looks forward to working alongside grassroots Ohioans to get this bill across the finish line and signed by Gov. DeWine.”

As reported by Honest Elections Project Action, foreign interests influencing our elections is not just a hypothetical problem. Swiss billionaire Hansjorg Wyss has given hundreds of millions of dollars to the New Venture Fund, which is a major financial backer of the left’s new private election funding scheme, the U.S. Alliance for Election Excellence. According to recent polling, 78% of Americans agree that foreign nationals should not be influencing our elections.

Ohio currently ranks 12th out of 51 on The Heritage Foundation’s Election Integrity Scorecard.