Missouri House Passes Bill to Counter Effects of Biden’s Border Crisis

Press Releases · Apr 20, 2023

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Missourians, released a statement from Janae Stracke, Vice President of Field Operations, applauding the Missouri House of Representatives for passing HB 188, legislation which strengthens prohibitions on employment of illegal aliens and combats the lawlessness of the Biden administration’s immigration policies.

“Biden’s border crisis has affected every state in the country, including Missouri. The Immigrant Employment Registration and Taxation Protection Act ensures the fair application of the law and helps Missouri fight the consequences of the border crisis. Specifically, the bill strengthens rules for employee registration, holds employers accountable, and empowers the Attorney General to take action when needed. These provisions are critically important in protecting Missouri’s citizens and interests.

Especially while the Biden administration’s open borders policies continue incentivizing lawlessness and illegal immigration, accountability is needed for those who contribute to the problem by employing illegal migrants. Law-abiding citizens across Missouri are grateful to Representative Jim Murphy for leading on this issue in the Missouri Legislature. Missourians applaud this legislative leadership and look forward to this legislation being passed in the Senate this session.”