It’s Time for Roe to Go

Press Releases · Dec 1, 2021

WASHINGTON — Today, Heritage Action released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson regarding today’s Supreme Court hearing on Dobbs v. Jackson Women’s Health Organization:

“Today is a historic day for Americans and a historic day for life. The Supreme Court is hearing a case that could spell the end of one of the most radical pro-abortion regimes in the world. In this case, the Justices have the opportunity to save millions of babies’ lives. For over 50 years, Americans have been subject to one court decision from seven judges that struck down protections for life nationwide and made America one of only seven countries to allow elective abortion after 20 weeks. Over the next several months, the Court will have a chance to undo that disastrous decision and allow Americans to once more protect the precious gift of life.

The energy around today’s oral arguments is palpable, with tens of thousands of pro-life supporters encouraging the Court to make the right decision. They are merely a fraction of the nearly two-thirds of Americans who support restricting abortion after the first trimester, which is exactly what Mississippi’s law does. I pray the Justices listen to these arguments and ultimately act to uphold the inherent dignity of human life and the constitutional rule of law — it’s time for Roe to go.”

Heritage Action is a national grassroots organization with two million conservative activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our partner organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.