Inflation Skyrockets to Over 9% While Democrats Push Forward More Reckless Spending

Press Releases · Jul 13, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson following the release of June’s 9.1% inflation rate.

The 9.1% June inflation rate is even higher than expected, but our economic situation is only going to get worse unless our elected leaders take decisive action to curb spending and control the national debt. Because of our government’s reckless spending and regulatory activism, Americans are struggling to afford gas and groceries. Aside from their daily struggles, Americans are also now overwhelmingly concerned about their retirement prospects and home sale cancellations are spiking to pandemic-era levels.

The situation is growing worse for American families and businesses all across the country, but the Left is doubling down on the failed economic policies that created this disaster. Even as inflation approaches double digits, Chuck Schumer and Democrats in Congress are yet again attempting a reconciliation package that will likely cost a trillion more taxpayer dollars to fund their woke agenda. Our elected representatives need to stand with the American people to curb spending, control the national debt, and block misguided spending packages.