Indiana Enacts SB 477 and SB 268, Protecting Critical Infrastructure and Hoosiers’ Retirements

Press Releases · May 8, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, including thousands of Hoosiers, released the following statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson commending the Indiana General Assembly and Governor Eric Holcomb for passing and enacting SB 477 and SB 268, legislation that protects Indiana from the growing threat of the Chinese Communist Party (CCP).

“China’s ongoing military expansion and theft of American jobs and technology makes the Chinese Communist Party the largest and most powerful threat to U.S. national security today. By enacting SB 477, the Hoosier State implemented necessary protections to ensure geopolitical rivals like the People’s Republic of China cannot acquire land near sensitive military facilities or insert vulnerabilities in software that give the CCP backdoor access to government and military data that leaves our information threatened. By passing and enacting SB 268, Indiana took a necessary and important step in protecting Hoosiers retirements from financially risky investments, and ensuring they don’t undermine our national security by enabling China’s technological development and military modernization.

Heritage Action commends Indiana lawmakers for protecting Indiana’s critical infrastructure and Hoosiers’ retirements by passing SB 477 and SB 268, and thanks Senators Justin Busch and Chris Garten for sponsoring this essential legislation. We look forward to working alongside grassroots Americans to strengthen national security, protect our data, and preserve retirement savings around the country.”


  • SB 268 prohibits the Indiana retirement system from investing in companies that are controlled by the Communist Chinese Party, divesting and protecting Hoosiers retirements from financially risky investments that undermine national security.

  • SB 477 protects Indiana’s critical infrastructure, cybersecurity and military installations from persons and entities that pose a national security threat, namely the Chinese Communist Party.

  • The Heritage Foundation: Why State Legislatures Must Confront Chinese Infiltration