ICYMI: CCP-Tied Firm in Kansas Slated to Operate Near Military Sites

Press Releases · Jan 12, 2024

WASHINGTON—Research conducted by Heritage Action and The Heritage Foundation Oversight Project revealed a Chinese Communist Party (CCP)-tied firm is planning to operate a large manufacturing facility in Johnson County, Kansas near sensitive military sites. Less than a week after the investigation exposed Cnano Technology USA’s CCP ties, the company scrubbed its website of any information relating to them.

The revelation has sparked a broader conversation about the risks of CCP-linked companies given clearance to own land and do business near sensitive sites across the country—and the governing bodies responsible for allowing the potential national security threats on American soil.

A roundup of the news and reactions from elected officials can be found below.

Daily Caller News Foundation: While Cnano Jiangsu’s 2022 social responsibility report reveals that the firm employs several dozen CCP members, the company’s English website states that it’s also ‘undertaken a number of national 863’ projects, referring to a Chinese government program that the U.S. government has accused of working to steal U.S. technology.”

Daily Caller News Foundation: While an archived version of Cnano Jiangsu’s English-language website from Dec. 24 still notes the firm’s participation in the 863 Program, all mention of the firm’s participation had been inexplicably removed from the “About Us” page by Dec. 29.”

Daily Caller News Foundation: “Among other ties, Cnano Jiangsu’s CEO, Zheng Tao, who also heads Cnano USA, attended a United Front Work Department event in China for “Overseas Chinese enterprises” in 2021, the DCNF reported based on research conducted by The Heritage Foundation Oversight Project and Heritage Action.”

The Kansas City Star: “Cnano specializes in making carbon nanotubes and graphene, which are used in electric car batteries. The proposed investment came after Panasonic announced plans to create a $40 billion electric battery plant in De Soto. Cnano’s new factory will be at the New Century Commerce Center — about 21 miles from the Kansas City National Security Campus, 35 miles from Fort Leavenworth and 70 miles from Whiteman Airforce Base in Missouri.”

Kansas Reflector: “[The congressman said] Cnano USA’s parent company in China had ties to the Chinese Communist Party or CCP. He asserted the company was part of a program in China designed to acquire U.S. technology useful in development of China’s military capabilities.”

The Kansas City Star: “Cnano USA could also become embedded in our local economy and supply chains, threatening the intellectual property and data security of Kansas businesses and organizations. Chinese law requires CCP-backed companies operating in foreign countries to assist in the state-sponsored theft of information — including collecting, transmitting and storing data they receive from American companies. Simply allowing Cnano USA to operate in Kansas puts our research, trade secrets and employee information at risk of falling into the hands of CCP leaders.”

Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-KS-02): "I have strong concerns about granting a company with proven and significant ties to the CCP permission to operate as a critical component supplier to the burgeoning field of electronics and battery production and within such close proximity to United States’ military bases. We must do everything within our power to prevent CCP-backed companies from expanding their foothold in American supply chains."

Rep. Jake LaTurner (R-KS-02) on Epoch TV: “Companies like this are known for stealing research, intellectual property… and so a lot of concerns – despite the fact that they want to invest a hundred million dollars into Kansas and a hundred new jobs – that sounds great if you’re not paying attention to the details.”

Kansas State Speaker Pro-Tempore Blake Carpenter: “The proximity of the Chinese Communist Party-run facility to Fort Leavenworth and Whiteman Air Force Base raises serious questions. We must ensure the safety of our military installations and closely examine the implications of such proximity.”

DCNF's Philip Lenczycki on War Room: “There’s a company called Cnano USA, which has a parent company called Cnano Jiangsu. They’re slated to build a giant facility near Kansas City, and we investigated this thanks to… shoutout Heritage Action and Heritage Oversight Project for beginning this investigation and sharing their initial research with us.”

Earlier this year, national security experts from The Heritage Foundation released a plan to counter the threat of China and win the ‘New Cold War’ facing the country.