House's Embarrassing Trade Gimmick

Press Releases · Jun 17, 2015

Washington -- Last night, the House Rules Committee reported a rule that would allow the House to vote today on a bill to grant President Obama fast-track authority, also known at Trade Promotion Authority (TPA). While the bill does not contain the ineffective Trade Adjustment Assistance (TAA) program, Republican leaders made clear they will ensure the "President can sign [TAA] into law." They even acknowledged "It's a little bit of a high wire act." Heritage Action released the following statement from chief executive officer Michael A. Needham:

"This reveals the intellectual bankruptcy of Republican leadership. Instead of using last week's embarrassment to reevaluate the policy they opted for a new procedural gimmick to get the same nonsense passed. Members should vote no.
"Republicans weren't given majorities so they could cede control to Democrats. They need to listen to the people, stop passing the same policies that are failing our country, and embrace an agenda built on the principle of opportunity for all and favoritism to none."

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