House Republican Leader Kevin McCarthy Signs Heritage Action Police Pledge

Press Releases · Aug 31, 2020

Washington—Heritage Action for America today announced Representative Kevin McCarthy, House Republican Leader, has signed Heritage Action’s newly launched Police Pledge.

“Today and every day I am proud to stand with our men and women in blue who uphold their oath to protect our communities,” said Leader McCarthy. “It is human instinct to run away from danger, but our police officers stand ready to answer the call when Americans need them most. They are our essential line of defense protecting civil society from spiraling into mob-led anarchy.”

The pledge calls on Americans to “stand with America’s Police and pledge to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to ‘Defund the Police.’” Heritage Action launched the pledge August 13 at a law enforcement town hall with Vice President Pence, Acting Secretary of Homeland Security Chad Wolf, and Senator Joni Ernst. The pledge has been signed by numerous elected officials, candidates for office, and over 30,000 citizens.

“As there are growing calls on the left attempting to “defund” our police departments, here is the commitment I make to them and our country: I will unequivocally oppose any legislative attempt to ‘Defund the Police,’” added McCarthy. “I commend Heritage Action for their unwavering support for America’s law enforcement. I also call on my colleagues to join me in signing this pledge. We need our law enforcement – I believe this and America believes this. May God bless our police officers and help keep them safe.”

“Americans are grateful to Leader McCarthy for standing up for our brave law enforcement by signing the Police Pledge. We call on every elected official to join him,” said Jessica Anderson, Executive Director of Heritage Action. “At a time when our cities are suffering waves of violence and riots, the far Left is abandoning our nation’s law enforcement and with it, our cities. It is time to return safety and security to our neighborhoods, support the police, and put a stop to the lawless anarchy.”

The pledge is one of Heritage Action’s initiatives as part of Fight for America, a multi-faceted campaign organized by Heritage Action and The Heritage Foundation, with each organization working to reinforce American values against far-left extremism. As part of Fight for America, Heritage Action also released new polling which found that 79% of respondents in battleground states oppose defunding the police.

The full pledge states:

A lawful society—free from mob rule and violent insurrection—is not possible without Law Enforcement.

Police Officers have chosen a noble profession. They dedicate their lives to upholding the law and protecting the sacred rights of their fellow citizens. As a profession, they deserve support and respect.

I stand with America’s Police and pledge to oppose any bill, resolution, or movement to “Defund the Police.”

To sign the pledge or to ask your elected official to sign, visit