House Israel Package Necessary Step to Support Allies and Protect U.S. Interests

Press Releases · Oct 30, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with 2 million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Vice President Ryan Walker calling on the House to pass the $14.3 billion Israel aid plan.

“While President Biden and Senate Majority Leader Schumer try to play politics with the war in Israel, House Republicans have put forth a serious package to support our strongest ally in the Middle East. Importantly, this package separates Israel aid from U.S. assistance in other conflicts like Ukraine and Taiwan, which has been a priority for conservatives in Congress. Further, the package includes an offset by cutting Biden’s excessive IRS funding to pay for the aid to Israel.

“The House should quickly pass this responsible and necessary aid to provide support to Israel as the conflict unfolds in real time. Since Hamas' October 7th terrorist attack on Israel, more than 1,400 Israelis and 33 Americans have been killed, and the number of confirmed hostages has risen to a total of 239. The United States must continue standing with our ally, Israel as they respond to the barbarity inflicted on Israelis and Americans alike. This package is an important first step towards these goals.”