House GOP: Elect a Fighter for the Next Speaker of the House

Press Releases · Oct 4, 2023

WASHINGTON – Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with 2 million grassroots activists, today released a statement from President Kevin Roberts, Ph.D., ahead of the U.S. House of Representatives’ vote to elect the next Speaker of the House.

“Grassroots Americans are looking to the next Speaker to lead, not follow the Schumer Senate. Given the events of this week, it is more imperative than ever for the House to get back to work, zealously focused on the issues most important to the American people. That work will take unity, vision, and resolve. Uniting the House majority requires recognizing that we, conservatives, have a common enemy: The radical leftist ideology that has infiltrated the D.C. Swamp.

“The next Speaker must unite Republicans behind policies that secure the border, cut spending, and put American families at the center of their decisions. As Republicans seeking the Speakership throw their hats in the ring, Heritage Action and our network of grassroots Americans will be looking for a candidate who will commit to fighting on these issues through the ongoing appropriations process, firm negotiations with the Senate, and expanded committee work.

“First, candidates should commit to prioritize border security and reject any attempts to combine border security measures with increasingly controversial U.S. funding for the Russia-Ukraine war. Securing the border is the top priority for the American people and these measures cannot be used by the Left as a bargaining chip for additional, unaccountable Ukraine funding. Instead, Ukraine funding must be considered on its own merits, and debated only after conservatives’ stated criteria has been met. Second, the next Speaker must use the strength of a unified Republican majority to make progress on Americans’ primary concerns: securing the border and curbing federal spending. Finally, as Democrats still control the Senate and the White House, the next Speaker should commit to securing additional wins through committee work that will reshape important policy discussions and conduct necessary oversight of federal agencies and investigations into government weaponization.

“These are the tests that will define the legacy of the next Speaker. Heritage Action looks forward to working alongside our allies in Congress to achieve these important policy victories because Americans are counting on it.

“Our country is at an inflection point and the stakes have never been higher, but conservatives have the chance to unify, fight, and ultimately deliver for the American people. They must make the most of this opportunity.”