House Abortion-on-Demand Bills Dramatically Misaligned with the Views and Priorities of the American People

Press Releases · Jul 14, 2022

WASHINGTON – Today, Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million grassroots activists, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson ahead of the U.S. House of Representatives’ votes on two radical pro-abortion bills, the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act.

Less than a month after the Supreme Court’s decision to overturn Roe and rightly give authority back to our elected representatives to protect life, Democrats in Congress are already pushing their radical Abortion-on-Demand agenda. Not only are these pro-abortion bills dead on arrival in the Senate, but they are also remarkably misaligned with the pro-life views of the American people.

Most Americans are pro-life and support significant protections against abortion, yet these bills would instead create some of the most inhumane abortion laws in the world, going far beyond codifying Roe. The legislation would threaten millions of unborn babies and their mothers, and could potentially pave the way for taxpayer dollars to finance abortions.

Congress must reject these radical policies, create a baseline to defend mothers and unborn babies by supporting Rep. Kelly’s Heartbeat Protection Act, and encourage states to take more decisive action to further protect life.


  • This week, the House is set to vote on two pro-abortion bills, the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act and the Ensuring Access to Abortion Act. The bills would force every state to allow abortion up until the moment of birth and would ban state officials from restricting citizens from traveling out-of-state to receive abortions.

  • Additionally, language in the bills fails to protect children from abortion based on their sex, race, or diagnosis of a genetic abnormality like Down Syndrome.

  • Recent polling found that 3 in 4 Americans support significant protections against abortion, the vast majority do not believe that medical professionals should be forced to perform abortions, and they do not want their tax dollars funding abortions.

  • KEY VOTE: Heritage Action previously issued a key vote against the so-called Women’s Health Protection Act in the Senate and House last year.