Heritage Action: Utah Legislature Combats Chinese Interference

Press Releases · Mar 4, 2024

WASHINGTON—Heritage Action, a conservative grassroots organization with two million activists nationwide, including thousands of Utahns, released the following statement from Utah State Director Nathan Duell praising the State Legislature for passing HB 404, legislation that protects state technology, systems, and networks from companies affiliated with the Chinese Communist Party (CCP):

“The CCP is one of the greatest threats facing the United States today, and Utahans work too hard to sit idly by while bad actors steal our innovative technology and intellectual property. CCP-linked technology firms can use software that gives Beijing remote access to user systems and data, making them a direct threat to our national security and prosperity. HB 404 is a strong step toward ending the CCP threat by stopping municipalities in Utah from entering into dangerous contracts with businesses affiliated with the CCP.

“Heritage Action applauds the Utah Legislature’s stand against Chinese infiltration and encourages lawmakers across the country to follow the Beehive State’s lead in protecting Americans from foreign theft and interference. We encourage Gov. Cox to sign the bill as soon as possible and look forward to working alongside grassroots Americans in Utah to continue to defend our safety and sovereignty.”

The rise of China and the CCP are two of the most persistent and consequential threats facing the American people today. Leading experts at The Heritage Foundation assert that the United States is in a ‘New Cold War' with the CCP and have called for a whole-of-government and whole-of-society effort to counter China that serves American interests and protects the American people and economy from malicious actions by the CCP.