Heritage Action to Review Senate's Obamacare Bill

Press Releases · Jun 20, 2017

Washington—Senate Republicans are expected to unveil a "discussion draft" of significant changes to the House-passed American Health Care Act (H.R. 1628). Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-Ky.) says the bill "dramatically changes the current health care law." Heritage Action released the following statement from Chief Executive Officer Michael A. Needham:

"Conservatives are rightly frustrated with the process of repealing and replacing Obamacare that has played out this year. It is clear that significant portions of the Republican Party have no intention of actually repealing Obamacare despite campaigning on that objective for years.
"Conservatives will evaluate legislative language when it becomes available, looking particularly at whether the legislation empowers states to get out of the onerous insurance mandates imposed by Obamacare, maintains and improves the House's Medicaid reforms, and repeals Obamacare's stifling taxes."


Washington Post: Trump says the House health-care bill is 'mean.' He's wrong.