Heritage Action to Contact over 1.5 Million Voters Ahead of Georgia Runoff Election

Press Releases · Nov 10, 2020

Washington—Heritage Action for America’s grassroots activists will knock 500,000 doors, make one million calls, and send over 500,000 GOTV texts in the state of Georgia ahead of the January 5 runoff election. Our Sentinel activists will additionally register voters and recruit poll workers to ensure every legal vote is counted. This ground game will be aided by digital persuasion ads addressing the top issues on voters’ minds: safety, security, and jobs.

Heritage Action released the following statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson:

Our Sentinel activists are already on the ground, knocking doors in Georgia, to remind voters what is at stake on January 5.
The Georgia Senate seats are the Firewall of Freedom to hold the line against Chuck Schumer’s liberal agenda to rig the Senate to pack the courts, implement a radical Green New Deal, allow our police to be defunded, increase taxes, and expand Government.
Georgians don’t want a Senate led by Chuck Schumer or his radical transformation for America; they want good jobs and safe cities to live and work in—exit polls last week showed that the top issue for Georgia voters on the Right was “the economy,” followed by “crime and safety.”
These are connected issues; everyone suffers when cities defund the police and allow rioters and looters to tear apart businesses and neighborhoods.
Georgia Senators Perdue and Loeffler were the first two U.S. Senators to sign Heritage Action’s Police Pledge. They listened to their constituents and then led opposition to the “defund the police” movement.
Their challengers, Jon Ossoff and Raphael Warnock, have ignored multiple invitations to sign the pledge. Voters deserve to know where Ossoff and Warnock stand on these issues.

The Georgia initiative will bring Heritage Action’s total voter contacts to five million in 2020.

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