Heritage Action Supports Conservative Amendment to Prevent Bureaucrats from Enforcing Vaccine Mandates

Press Releases · Feb 17, 2022

WASHINGTON — Heritage Action, a conservative organization with two million grassroots activists nationwide, released a statement from Executive Director Jessica Anderson applauding the effort to counter federal COVID vaccine mandates in the Senate:

“Conservatives should support any and all efforts to protect healthcare workers and defense personnel, some of our nation’s most dedicated servants, from the Biden Administration’s vaccine mandates.

One of the strongest efforts is the push from Sens. Lee, Marshall, Lummis, Braun, Paul, and Cruz to vote on an amendment to the upcoming continuing resolution (CR) to prevent government bureaucrats from hijacking current funding to fire employees for their medical choices. This amendment would protect the servicemembers, nurses, doctors, and critical employees who simply want to serve their country without having to subject themselves to an unwanted medical procedure.

Conservatives should not lose sight of the fact that Congress is moving forward on an omnibus spending package that would earmark even more funds to vaccine mandates, in addition to adding far-Left policies and stripping Trump-era conservative policies. A Democrat-led omnibus is a worst-case scenario. Conservatives should work to pass a long-term CR.

Heritage Action applauds the efforts of these senators to defend millions of Americans from this abuse of federal power and funds, and encourages conservatives in Congress to work toward a long-term CR."

Heritage Action is a grassroots organization with two million conservative activists nationwide. Heritage Action advances the policies of our partner organization, The Heritage Foundation, and works to make them a reality.
